June 19 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Gn 14:18-20 1 Cor 11:23-26 Lk 9:11b-17 GROW AS A DISCIPLE | PRAY, STUDY, ENGAGE, SERVE GROW: Today begins the National Eucharistic Revival, a grassroots effort launched by the U.S. bishops to reignite “devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.” What better day to begin than on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, when we as Catholics reflect on the source and summit of our faith. “For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself …” (catechism, 1324) Our readings today remind us that the Eucharist is more than a powerful symbol; as Catholics, we believe we receive Christ himself – body, blood, soul, and divinity – in the form of the consecrated bread and wine. As Pope Francis said in a homily on this solemnity in 2019: “If we receive it into our hearts, this bread will release in us the power of love. We will feel blessed and loved, and we will want to bless and love in turn.” That is what the early disciples did, whether feeding the 5,000 or nurturing the early Church. The Eucharistic Revival gives each of us an opportunity to give thanks for the gift of the Eucharist and share it with others. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: On today’s solemnity, also known as the feast of Corpus Christi, some parishes have a eucharistic procession. This is when a consecrated host – that is, the real and substantial presence of Jesus Christ, body, blood, soul and divinity – is placed within a monstrance, which is then lifted and carried by a priest who leads the faithful in procession beginning at one holy place and ending at another. Some parishes or religious communities may extend hours for eucharistic adoration. Both of these are excellent opportunities to spend time with Jesus and reflect on Christ’s gift of himself in the Eucharist. What should be our response to this gift? As Pope Francis has said, it is a call “to go out and bring Jesus to others.” Just as Jesus challenged the disciples when they didn’t think they had enough bread and fish to serve the 5,000, we may feel we “don’t have enough” to give. Nourished by the Eucharist, however, and by our devotion to the real presence of God in that Eucharist, we have all we need to go out and witness to the love of Jesus. Go forth and announce the Gospel of the Lord. ACTION: Spend time in eucharistic adoration this week, even for a few minutes. Share what the experience was like with others or invite a friend to join you.