January 16, 2022 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 62:1-5 1 Cor 12:4-11 Jn 2:1-11 GROW: It was several years ago now, but the scene is still vivid in my mind. My son stood confidently in front of the altar as the music rose in a crescendo and his bride stepped into sight. The love and joy he felt trickled down his cheek as she walked down the aisle. He broke into a smile as she joined him, and proudly took her hand to promise to become one with her forever. Isaiah writes: “As a bridegroom rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you.” Isaiah was talking about the nation of Israel, but God loves and rejoices in each of his children and wants us to know the joy of being loved by him. He generously shares his gifts with us, “different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit,” St. Paul explains to the Corinthians. All spiritual gifts come from God, and all are important and necessary: “To each individual, the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” God’s gifts are distributed uniquely to each person to use in our own unique way to “announce his salvation, day after day,” and invite others to discover the joy of his great love. GO: You are a masterpiece! This message was conveyed at the camp our diocese held each year to help teens recognize that they are God’s beloved sons and daughters, called and gifted by the Holy Spirit to be missionary disciples. Discerning what our gifts are and how to use them can be challenging. The Gospel about the wedding at Cana offers an interesting guide. Mary tells the waiters, “Do whatever he tells you.” By reserving time for listening and not speaking during prayer, we can hear what Jesus is “telling” us. Jesus then says to the waiters, “Fill the jars with water.” We can “fill our jars” with the knowledge of how to live as disciples by reflecting on Scripture. Finally, Jesus tells the waiters, “Draw some out.” We can “draw” on his love for strength and courage when we need it, but more importantly, we are called to “draw some out” to share with others. In sharing the “good wine,” the Good News of Jesus Christ, others will begin to believe in him, too. PRAYER: As the new year gets under way, devote time to discerningthe unique spiritual gifts, or charisms, you have been given. Make time for silent prayer and reflecting on Scripture each day.