July 31, 2022 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ecc 1:2; 2:21-23 Col 3:1-5, 9-11 Lk 12:13-21 GROW AS A DISCIPLE | PRAY, STUDY, ENGAGE, SERVE GROW: Is it me, or does every popular waiting-room magazine feature an article on “how to declutter” in six easy steps? I always read those first, then add them to the unsightly pile of magazines on the end table. The constant, if futile, quest to declutter comes from a deeper place than a desire for a clean house. It feels so liberating to let go of those things that we no longer need. Today’s readings challenge us to look not just outward, but inward, at what distracts us from what really matters. Paul exhorts us to “seek what is above,” letting go of earthly concerns or habits that get in the way of our relationship with God. By putting on a “new self” through prayer, the sacrament of reconciliation and receiving Jesus in the Eucharist, we will become “rich in what matters to God.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Personal-finance writers often divide people into two camps: Savers or spenders. I’m definitely a saver! I dutifully contribute to my 401K, stash unexpected windfalls into my savings account, and carefully budget. On the rare occasions when I go out to dinner, I struggle with choosing what to order: It’s a high-stakes decision! Fiscal responsibility is a good thing, but today’s parable challenges me to be just as diligent about investing in my relationship with God, my family, and the people I encounter. We are blessed with so many opportunities to “seek what is above”: It may mean spending the first 30 minutes of the day in prayer, reading books or articles that help us grow spiritually, or joining a parish Bible study. Or even taking a friend to dinner and picking up the tab! In doing so, we are investing in this life – and the next. ACTION: Take a look around your house and donate items in good condition to a charity in your community. And then ask the organization if they need any help with a summer yard cleanup or simple tasks around the facility – these are easy ways to involve the whole family in serving others.