The ministry of an Extraordinary Minister of Communion is very important to the faith community. Primarily these communion ministers reach out to the sick in hospitals, nursing facilities, senior residences, or the homebound with Holy Communion. They enable a vital link to the parish's sacramental life to those who can not attend the sacred liturgy. Their shared time, concern, and prayer bring the love and compassion of the parish family as they share the presence of the Risen Christ in Holy Communion to the extended parish community.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion also minister at weekend liturgy. They minister the Eucharistic elements of Bread and Wine to all who accept the Lord's invitation to the Eucharistic Banquet.
All members of the parish family who have been fully initiated into the Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion are eligible to minister. There is a mandatory preparation program held twice a year (Fall and Spring) to prepare for ministry.
For weekend ministry, ministers are scheduled on a two-month schedule.
Please arrange for a substitute if you cannot attend the Mass you are scheduled for and call the rectory to let them know who is replacing you.