As our young men and women of the Church come before us to celebrate Confirmation, they are ratifying and perfecting who they already are as baptized Christians. At this moment in their lives they confirm the promises made at baptism and make them their own. Therefore, we refer to this sacrament as the sacrament of maturity, the sacrament of personal commitment and the sacrament of mission. The celebration of Confirmation is a sending out of a committed disciple by God and the faith community to bear witness to Jesus Christ in word and action as the apostles were on the first Pentecost. As Pope John Paul II once said, "Confirmation is a sacrament of believers who become adults in their faith and who take on their active role in the Church."
Preparation for Confirmation takes place during freshman and sophomore years of high school. The primary and most important way of being a faithful disciple is participation at Sunday Eucharist - where we are formed by God's Word and receive Christ Jesus Himself. Other components include catechetical sessions, assemblies, Christian service projects and retreats.
For more information, please contact Lisa Valentino at the Parish Office (973)694-3400 ext. 15
or email her at