Is 60:1-6 Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6 Mt 2:1-12 GROW AS A DISCIPLE | PRAY, STUDY, ENGAGE, SERVE GROW: My husband is a bird watcher by day and a stargazer by night. I confess it drives me a little bonkers on our evening dog walks. I tend to want to keep moving; between him and our dog (who seems to want to sniff every mailbox), it’s the pedestrian equivalent of stop-and-go traffic. Hearing about the journey of the Magi, however, reminds me to pause and look, too. Just as they saw the star rising and followed it to Jesus, we, too, can seek God in our surroundings, our relationships, and the beauty of creation – the next step is to follow where God leads us. As Pope Benedict XVI wrote, the Magi represent “the journeying of humanity toward Christ.” (Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives) We may falter from the path from time to time, but Isaiah’s prophesy reminds us of our destination: “You shall be radiant at what you see, your heart shall throb and overflow.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The Epiphany is early this year, falling right on the heels of New Year’s Day. If we haven’t made our New Year’s resolutions yet, now is a good time to do so. In addition to typical resolutions such as reducing clutter or getting fit, we can set some spiritual goals as well. The definition of epiphany (lower case) is “a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way.” As we reflect on today’s readings, let us ask the Holy Spirit to provide us an epiphany – into how we can grow closer to Jesus during this year ahead. Just as their encounter with the infant Jesus caused the Magi to be transformed from outsiders to faithful believers, and to take a different route home, our encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist is meant to transform all of us, and set us on a new path to light and life. RESOLVE: New Year’s resolutions are great! Why not add a couple of spiritual resolutions to the list – perhaps to pray the rosary more often, spend time in eucharistic adoration, or go on that retreat you have been meaning to attend. Ask the Holy Spirit for inspiration and see where it leads.