January 1, 2023
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God
Nm 6:22-27 Gal 4:4-7 Lk 2:16-21
GROW: Today’s readings remind us of the central role Mary plays in the story of Jesus and the story of our salvation. We may be tempted to place her on a pedestal – as well we should – she is the Mother of God! At the same time, today’s Gospel reminds us she is not divine herself, but human – and she bore the incarnate flesh of the Son of God in his divine and human nature. She went through the sleepless nights and the uncertainties of parenting in all its stages. She learned early on what it takes many of us a lifetime to learn – often in fits and starts – absolute trust in God. As we celebrate this solemnity, we can bring our uncertainties, fears, and struggles to Mary our mother, asking for the grace to follow her faithful example.
GO: Of course there’s nothing wrong with New Year’s resolutions, and I always admire people who have thought about them in advance. Me? I’m often tongue-tied on January 1 when someone asks me what my resolutions are (hmm … maybe I should think about kicking that procrastination habit in 2023?) This is why Mary’s reaction to the visit of the shepherds strikes me so profoundly. The shepherds pay homage to Jesus and spread the word that God’s Son has been born. Mary, Luke writes, “kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.” As we move into a new year, so rich with possibility, we might follow Mary’s example and reflect before jumping headlong into this or that goal or New Year’s resolution. Instead, perhaps we can take the day – or a week or a month – to prayerfully reflect on how we can best put our faith in Jesus into action. How can we witness to our faith in our daily lives? What changes might help us do that? We can ask God to help us draw up a list of ways that we can be more faithful to him.
PRAY: Pray the Hail Mary, reflecting on each line with gratitude. If you have more time, give yourself a “mini-retreat” by reading or reflecting on a book or devotional about Mary.