May 19, 2024
Pentecost Sunday
Acts 2:1-11
1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25
Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15
GROW: Pentecost Sunday is here! If ever there was a day in the Church calendar to celebrate the transformational power of Christianity, this is it. We know from the first reading how the disciples go from being huddled and afraid in a locked room to stepping out boldly in the streets, loudly proclaiming the Good News of Jesus. What changed them so suddenly? It was the coming of the Holy Spirit, the third divine person of the Trinity, into their hearts and lives. Jesus calls the Spirit an Advocate, “the Spirit of truth,” who will remain with the apostles after he has left. That same Spirit is promised to us, continuing the Easter joy. It is only through the power and grace of the Holy Spirit that we have the knowledge, ability, and courage to proclaim Jesus as our Lord. Only in this way can we belong to Jesus and be in relationship with the Father. The very same God who created all things is here to help us become the sons and daughters he always envisioned us to be.
GO: “Peace be with you,” Jesus says, twice, to his disciples today. He approaches them with gentleness and a calming demeanor. He is aware of their fear and their anxiety, and that they would be confused and unsure upon seeing him in his resurrected body. Jesus offers us the same words: “peace be with you.” For he knows we, too, can be afraid and unsure about what living out his words will mean to our lives. But we need not be worried! The Holy Spirit, that helper and advocate who came to the first disciples, is here to help us fill our hearts with love and joy and speak our beliefs without fear. When we open our hearts to God’s love, Jesus tells us, the Holy Spirit “will guide [us] to all truth.” In other words, he will be there to help us. As Paul states in the reading from Corinthians, we all have different gifts of the Spirit, and the important thing is that we use those gifts and talents to model ourselves after Jesus.
PRAY: The Holy Spirit is with us to be our guide and advocate. Today, we pray, “Come, Holy Spirit,” and witness the power of that first Pentecost which set the world on fire with God’s love and truth. This week, spend some time reflecting on the joy you have as a Christian – and show that joy to the world!