March 17, 2024
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Jer 31:31-34
Heb 5:7-9
Jn 12:20-33
GROW: As we quickly approach Easter, we’re reminded of the reason why we are celebrating. God’s chosen people stumbled quite a bit throughout the Old Testament, so God intervened time, and time, and time again to set them back on the straight and narrow. Whereas we would likely give up on someone over time, God has remained steadfast in his grace, and always will. He created a new covenant with Israel that wrote his law upon the hearts of Jews and Gentiles alike. This new covenant was realized through Jesus Christ, who was born into our flesh and crucified on the cross. He suffered death in perfect obedience to God the Father. By being born into flesh, Jesus united humanity and divinity; through his crucifixion and resurrection, Christ “became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.” He is the law of love that lives within us, and through him “all, from least to greatest, shall know [the Father.]”
GO: Jesus didn’t suffer the cross for his sake or for his own glory. No, our Savior came to preach the kingdom of heaven to us before sacrificing himself for our sins. Notice how in today’s Gospel he even admitted he was troubled! It can be terrifying to do God’s will for our lives, and Christ himself was troubled by what he was called to do. Yet, in love and trust in the Father, Jesus was obedient, saying “but it was for this purpose that I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name.” All Christians are called to a life of self-sacrifice, each to the degree it serves God’s purpose. We are all called to give up our lives for the sake of love to glorify God. Without Christ’s sacrifice, we would not have been saved; without our willingness to pursue God’s call upon our life, the kingdom of God cannot be realized on this earth.
REFLECT: The Lord placed his law upon your heart the moment you were conceived, but how do you allow him to shine through your life? How do you serve and glorify the Lord? Take a moment today to reflect on your words and actions and consider how you show the world that God is Lord over your life for all time, not only during Lent.